Misc. Video

Knakal Knugget #70: Do not let fear be a thing.

There are times in our lives when we must do things that we are afraid to do - things that we fear for one reason or another.

That fear may be real or may just be imagined but if we are afraid then the fear is tangible. When faced with the situations we must move forward with conviction, always when it is the right thing to do or something that we really want for ourselves or our life. 

Eleanor Roosevelt sums this up nicely: 

“You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, ‘I lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along’… You must do the thing you think you cannot do.”

When you are able to do this, to look fear in the face and take decisive action to act in the face of fear, the resulting confidence that you get can help elevate you to the next level. The next time you are faced with something you are afraid of, or to do, try to remember the strength that will be created within you when you have successfully faced these fears. Look at these opportunities as chances to grow, personally and professionally.

Getting out of your comfort zone is very empowering and builds self-esteem and confidence. We are all afraid of things. Look at that fear as an opportunity to grow and to put yourself in a position to be more successful.

#knakalknugget #bkrea #nycrealestate

Knakal Knugget #70: Do not let fear be a thing.

There are times in our lives when we must do things that we are afraid to do – things that we fear for one reason or another.

That fear may be real or may just be imagined but if we are afraid then the fear is tangible. When faced with the situations we must move forward with conviction, always when it is the right thing to do or something that we really want for ourselves or our life.

Eleanor Roosevelt sums this up nicely:

“You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, ‘I lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along’… You must do the thing you think you cannot do.”

When you are able to do this, to look fear in the face and take decisive action to act in the face of fear, the resulting confidence that you get can help elevate you to the next level. The next time you are faced with something you are afraid of, or to do, try to remember the strength that will be created within you when you have successfully faced these fears. Look at these opportunities as chances to grow, personally and professionally.

Getting out of your comfort zone is very empowering and builds self-esteem and confidence. We are all afraid of things. Look at that fear as an opportunity to grow and to put yourself in a position to be more successful.

#knakalknugget #bkrea #nycrealestate

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YouTube Video VVVQT1ZJd1dxN2tjWVpzbV9VNkNENHRRLkFrdG9OZnNTNmtz

Knakal Knugget #70 – Do Not Let Fear be a Thing

Bob Knakal 11 hours ago

Knakal Knugget #69: You have to have a positive mental attitude!

To have a positive mental attitude is so important and so powerful. Believe in yourself and the great things you can accomplish. Let positive thinking and determined willpower help you get there.

It is said that there is no problem or obstacle you can’t overcome with faith courage and a positive mindset. We all have obstacles and hurdles in our lives that we need to deal with. These things are often not easy to deal with. And sometimes we feel as if there is not much we can do and wonder where to start when trying to overcome these circumstances.

As I often say, we can really only control two things: our effort and our attitude.

With regard to effort, it is always important that we give it our all. Going half-way or having one foot in, one foot out, just doesn’t work. Half measures and trying to do things incrementally, normally don’t work.

To get big things accomplished, we need to take bold action and deliver an effort that is appropriate for the results we want to produce.

When it comes to attitude, how we react to our circumstances says a lot about us and how successful we are likely to be. It is important to remember that no one can “make us feel” a certain way. We choose to feel a certain way. And we can choose one reaction or another. It’s the old adage about the glass being half full or half empty.

To look at things with a positive attitude will change many things, increase the probability of success, and generally, make you feel much better. Choose positivity!

The roots of success reside in the mind. Believe in yourself.

Many professional athletes picture in their minds making the shot, hitting the ball, making the kick, etc. You need to see yourself succeeding. You have to believe in yourself and really believe you can succeed.

Success is often couched as the extent to which you achieve peace in your life. If we see good in any and everything, we will achieve more peace in life.

So, to achieve success, to find peace in your life, and to be happier, have a positive mindset. Effort and attitude folks! Make that attitude a positive one!

#knakalknugget #bkrea #nycrealestate

Knakal Knugget #69: You have to have a positive mental attitude!

To have a positive mental attitude is so important and so powerful. Believe in yourself and the great things you can accomplish. Let positive thinking and determined willpower help you get there.

It is said that there is no problem or obstacle you can’t overcome with faith courage and a positive mindset. We all have obstacles and hurdles in our lives that we need to deal with. These things are often not easy to deal with. And sometimes we feel as if there is not much we can do and wonder where to start when trying to overcome these circumstances.

As I often say, we can really only control two things: our effort and our attitude.

With regard to effort, it is always important that we give it our all. Going half-way or having one foot in, one foot out, just doesn’t work. Half measures and trying to do things incrementally, normally don’t work.

To get big things accomplished, we need to take bold action and deliver an effort that is appropriate for the results we want to produce.

When it comes to attitude, how we react to our circumstances says a lot about us and how successful we are likely to be. It is important to remember that no one can “make us feel” a certain way. We choose to feel a certain way. And we can choose one reaction or another. It’s the old adage about the glass being half full or half empty.

To look at things with a positive attitude will change many things, increase the probability of success, and generally, make you feel much better. Choose positivity!

The roots of success reside in the mind. Believe in yourself.

Many professional athletes picture in their minds making the shot, hitting the ball, making the kick, etc. You need to see yourself succeeding. You have to believe in yourself and really believe you can succeed.

Success is often couched as the extent to which you achieve peace in your life. If we see good in any and everything, we will achieve more peace in life.

So, to achieve success, to find peace in your life, and to be happier, have a positive mindset. Effort and attitude folks! Make that attitude a positive one!

#knakalknugget #bkrea #nycrealestate

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Knakal Knugget #69 Positive Mental Attitude

Bob Knakal July 19, 2024 7:35 am

Insights into the 2011 Investment Sales Market with Industry Experts

Bob Knakal July 18, 2024 6:10 pm

The Optimistic Turn in the Investment Sales Market | Insights from Industry Leaders

Bob Knakal July 18, 2024 6:10 pm

Understanding the Investment Sales Market: Insights from Industry Leaders

Bob Knakal July 18, 2024 6:09 pm

The Impact of Stuyvesant Town & Peter Cooper Village on NYC Real Estate (Nov 3, 2009)

Bob Knakal July 18, 2024 6:08 pm

Celebrating 40 Years in Commercial Real Estate: A Heartfelt Thank You to My Clients

As I reflect on 40 incredible years in the commercial real estate industry, I am overwhelmed with gratitude. On July 16, 2024, I celebrate my 40th anniversary, marking the start of my 41st year in this business.

The most significant feeling I have is one of thankfulness for my clients. You have been absolutely fantastic. Throughout these years, I've always said I'm not just in the real estate business; I'm in the information and relationship business. The relationships I've built with my clients have made this journey so fulfilling and enriching.

Many of you have turned into friends, and the trust and support you've shown me are beyond words. You've made this ride unbelievable, and I am so looking forward to what the future holds for us. Whether it was navigating market shifts or celebrating big wins, your partnership has been invaluable.

As I embark on a new chapter with BKREA - BK Real Estate Advisors, blending old-school methods with modern AI and technology, I feel a renewed sense of excitement and energy. The future is bright, and I am eager to see what lies ahead for us.

To my clients, thank you for your unwavering support and trust. You have been the cornerstone of my success, and I am deeply grateful for each and every one of you. Here's to the future of BKREA and all the amazing relationships we've built.

#40thAnniversary #BKREA #NYCRealEstate

Celebrating 40 Years in Commercial Real Estate: A Heartfelt Thank You to My Clients

As I reflect on 40 incredible years in the commercial real estate industry, I am overwhelmed with gratitude. On July 16, 2024, I celebrate my 40th anniversary, marking the start of my 41st year in this business.

The most significant feeling I have is one of thankfulness for my clients. You have been absolutely fantastic. Throughout these years, I've always said I'm not just in the real estate business; I'm in the information and relationship business. The relationships I've built with my clients have made this journey so fulfilling and enriching.

Many of you have turned into friends, and the trust and support you've shown me are beyond words. You've made this ride unbelievable, and I am so looking forward to what the future holds for us. Whether it was navigating market shifts or celebrating big wins, your partnership has been invaluable.

As I embark on a new chapter with BKREA – BK Real Estate Advisors, blending old-school methods with modern AI and technology, I feel a renewed sense of excitement and energy. The future is bright, and I am eager to see what lies ahead for us.

To my clients, thank you for your unwavering support and trust. You have been the cornerstone of my success, and I am deeply grateful for each and every one of you. Here's to the future of BKREA and all the amazing relationships we've built.

#40thAnniversary #BKREA #NYCRealEstate

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Celebrating 40 Years in Commercial Real Estate: A Heartfelt Thank You to My Clients

Bob Knakal July 16, 2024 7:36 am

Making informed decisions is paramount. my years of experience have taught me valuable lessons. It's an ever-evolving landscape, and it's crucial to approach it with wisdom and clarity. Here are the key takeaways I'd like to share with you:

1. Challenging Assumptions: It's imperative to scrutinize the assumptions upon which we base our decisions. Don't take them at face value; dig deep to ensure you're on the right track.

2. Market Dynamics: Our industry, like life itself, experiences ebbs and flows. Understanding market dynamics, particularly the ebb and flow of supply and demand, is fundamental to making sound investments.

3. City's Allure: As long as our cities remain attractive places for people to live and work, the fundamentals of real estate endure. Location is, and always will be, the beating heart of our industry.

4. Cyclical Properties: Properties have their own cycles, akin to life's own ups and downs. Embrace these cycles, and stay adaptable in response to changing value and demand.

5. Office Market Gap: The office market presents a unique challenge with a significant gap between new constructions and existing properties. Let's collectively bridge that gap with innovative solutions.

📺Special thanks to David Abrams of Tenant Experience Network for having me on your podcast. You can watch the entire thing here: 

#theknakalmaproom #NYCrealestate #Podcast

Making informed decisions is paramount. my years of experience have taught me valuable lessons. It's an ever-evolving landscape, and it's crucial to approach it with wisdom and clarity. Here are the key takeaways I'd like to share with you:

1. Challenging Assumptions: It's imperative to scrutinize the assumptions upon which we base our decisions. Don't take them at face value; dig deep to ensure you're on the right track.

2. Market Dynamics: Our industry, like life itself, experiences ebbs and flows. Understanding market dynamics, particularly the ebb and flow of supply and demand, is fundamental to making sound investments.

3. City's Allure: As long as our cities remain attractive places for people to live and work, the fundamentals of real estate endure. Location is, and always will be, the beating heart of our industry.

4. Cyclical Properties: Properties have their own cycles, akin to life's own ups and downs. Embrace these cycles, and stay adaptable in response to changing value and demand.

5. Office Market Gap: The office market presents a unique challenge with a significant gap between new constructions and existing properties. Let's collectively bridge that gap with innovative solutions.

📺Special thanks to David Abrams of Tenant Experience Network for having me on your podcast. You can watch the entire thing here:

#theknakalmaproom #NYCrealestate #Podcast

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YouTube Video VVVQT1ZJd1dxN2tjWVpzbV9VNkNENHRRLkxoNFFMZjlramNB

Challenging Assumptions and Embracing Market Cycles

Bob Knakal July 5, 2024 1:00 pm

Real Estate Insights: Navigating Today's Market Challenges – June 12, 2009

Bob Knakal July 3, 2024 9:24 pm

Real Estate Insights: Post-Election Market Dynamics 2008 | Bob Knakal's Expert Panel Discussion

Bob Knakal July 3, 2024 9:23 pm

In this episode, join Bob as he sits down with Michael Stoler on The Stoler Report to dive deep into the bustling world of New York City investment sales. This video was originally aired in February 2007.

Discussion Highlights:

The staggering $35 billion in NYC investment sales last year, with potential totals nearing $40 billion.
Insights into the influx of global investment and why New York remains a hotspot.
A breakdown of current market trends and what sectors are attracting the most attention.
Predictions for the future of the real estate market and how current economic stability is influencing it.
The growing interest in outer boroughs like Brooklyn, Long Island City, and Williamsburg.
The rise of institutional investments in residential and rent-regulated housing.
The dynamics of non-profit organizations selling prime real estate and the subsequent market impact.
An in-depth look at specific areas like Coney Island, Lower Manhattan, and Harlem.
Key Topics:

Market liquidity and the attraction of international buyers
Residential versus commercial real estate trends
Impact of interest rates and legislative stability on the market
High-profile transactions and development projects
The future of outer boroughs and emerging investment hotspots
Connect with Bob:

🔔 Subscribe to my Newsletter: https://linktr.ee/bobknakalnyc

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/bobknakal/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BobKnakalNYC
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/BobKnakalNYC
Twitter: https://twitter.com/BobKnakal

#nycrealestate #investmentsalesnyc #capitalmarkets #bobknakal

In this episode, join Bob as he sits down with Michael Stoler on The Stoler Report to dive deep into the bustling world of New York City investment sales. This video was originally aired in February 2007.

Discussion Highlights:

The staggering $35 billion in NYC investment sales last year, with potential totals nearing $40 billion.
Insights into the influx of global investment and why New York remains a hotspot.
A breakdown of current market trends and what sectors are attracting the most attention.
Predictions for the future of the real estate market and how current economic stability is influencing it.
The growing interest in outer boroughs like Brooklyn, Long Island City, and Williamsburg.
The rise of institutional investments in residential and rent-regulated housing.
The dynamics of non-profit organizations selling prime real estate and the subsequent market impact.
An in-depth look at specific areas like Coney Island, Lower Manhattan, and Harlem.
Key Topics:

Market liquidity and the attraction of international buyers
Residential versus commercial real estate trends
Impact of interest rates and legislative stability on the market
High-profile transactions and development projects
The future of outer boroughs and emerging investment hotspots
Connect with Bob:

🔔 Subscribe to my Newsletter: https://linktr.ee/bobknakalnyc

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/bobknakal/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BobKnakalNYC
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/BobKnakalNYC
Twitter: https://twitter.com/BobKnakal

#nycrealestate #investmentsalesnyc #capitalmarkets #bobknakal

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NYC Real Estate Trends: Harlem's Development, Bronx Investments, and Midtown Opportunities

Bob Knakal July 3, 2024 9:22 pm