Baseball Cards

Welcome to BK Baseball Cards

Ever wondered why a real estate website would feature baseball cards? These are not just any cards; they showcase Bob Knakal’s historical stats for commercial real estate sales. The idea for these unique business cards originated when a long-time client forgot Bob had moved to a new firm.

Inspired by childhood memories of baseball card stats, Bob created his first card to remind clients of his current position. This creative idea evolved, and now you can explore all editions of the Bob Knakal Baseball Business Card here. Each card highlights significant milestones and achievements in Bob’s illustrious career. Enjoy this unique blend of nostalgia and professional success.

2024 Special Edition

(1974 Topps) 8 Page Special

2024 (1972 Topps)

2023 (1968 Topps)

2022 (1970 Topps)

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